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Multi-Point Thermocouple Assemblies

Any thermocouple assembly with measuring junctions located at more than a single immersion depth is commonly referred to as a multi-point. As the number of variations possible in multi-point assemblies is virtually limitless they are generally designed and manufactured to meet the requirements of an individual application. As different multi-point designs vary tremendously, careful consideration should be given to such variables as the necessity of positive mechanical location of the measuring junctions and the ease / cost of replacement should a failure ever occur. Some designs allow for replacement of individual elements while others require replacement of the entire assembly whenever individual elements fail. In either case complete shut down of the process line may or may not be required depending on important design considerations. A complete multi-point specification should address considerations such as these and include all pertinent assembly details. If you have any questions about multi-point designs or would like assistance in preparing a multi-point specification, please feel free to call for more information.

Style 1

Style 2

Style 3

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